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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading: 38% | Distinguished Reading: 17% | Proficient Math: 24% | Distinguished Math: 18%

2024 Kentucky State Assessment Results:

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Elementary 30% 11% 32% 16%
Middle 28% 10% 27% 17%
High 23% 11% 32% 13%

Daily Announcements & Weekly Memo

     Daily Announcements are submitted by JHHS staff members.

Contact the appropriate staff member if you have questions or need clarification.

January 24

Save the date for February 8, 2025 for the winter ball dance!  It will be held from 7-9 PM.  Tickets are $10 if bought ahead and $15 at the door. Tickets will be sold during lunch. This dance is only for JHHS students. Dress to impress and be ready to have some fun!

Attention students who still owe AP Exam slips or money! If you were sent an email over winter break stating you still needed to turn in your AP Exam slip or money, please see Mrs. Myers in the guidance office to do so. These were due November 1st.  If slips or money is not received or you choose not to take the exam, you will be charged a $40 unused/canceled fee for each test!

Today is the last day that Freshman will stay after school to work on homecoming posters until 5 PM. Please meet in the library loft after school.

JHHS Students & Staff -- Homecoming Week is next week, January 27th - 31st! Start working on your spirit day outfits now, so you can bring the Bulldog Spirit starting next Monday. Monday is Nappers versus Rappers!

Seniors, cap and gown pictures are Tuesday, January 28th from 8AM to 2PM in the small gym. Please bring or wear a white collared shirt and tie or a white collared blouse.

Key Club will have their official installation meeting on Thursday, January 30th at 4:15 in the cafeteria. Please check the Key Club Google Classroom for more information.

Seniors, please select your preference for Project Grad. The ballot was sent to your school email and will close today at 3:30.

The tennis team will start mandatory practice on February 17th. The team could use a few more boys. No experience is needed. If you are interested in joining the tennis team, see Coach McCune in room 101 or 104.

Baseball tryouts will be held on February 10th & 11th from 4PM to 6PM at the JHHS Football field.

Softball tryouts are February 11th from 4PM-6PM at the softball field. If you have any questions, please see Ms. LaFollette in room 219.  

It’s a busy weekend for John Hardin! Good luck to our Academic Team at Governor’s Cup. Good luck and safe travels to our Bowling team at Regionals, our Swim team at Region Prelims and Finals, our Archery team at Boyle County, our Girls Wrestling at Bardstown Elementary, and our Boys Wrestling at Thomas Nelson. 

Saturday is also the Nathan McCurry Classic for Boys Basketball here at JHHS. Our Boys Basketball team faces Allen County Scottsville at 7:30 PM and our Girls team faces Ohio County at 6 PM.